Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Change of Plans

:( I have been going around telling everyone that Gary's last chemo Friday was last week. Turns out it's not. I called to check on his bloodwork today and his Aldolase level popped back up. They gave us permission to still go out of town this weekend for Mason's Cure JM concert. They said we need come in Monday however. He will continue with his Cytoxin and Methotrexate. I suppose I have no room to complain. So many patients and parents have been doing this much longer than I have. Gary is still doing well. No complaints. But still was a little disappointing. There was another level that also did the very same thing.

I really enjoy an article the FDA put out today about drugs they are using to treat autoimmune diseases.

We are still going camping though now that we got clearance. The doctor said to make sure he is getting his meds, keep him out of the sun, and she will see us Monday. Hopefully we are leaving tomorrow night. We may wait till Friday morning because I am not sure how Gary would handle a late night trip like that. I would hope he would sleep but sleep has been and issue lately. He has not been taking naps because he gets his big dose of steroid in the morning. It has been taking him longer to turn in for the night as well.


  1. I hate to hear that Gary's levels popped back up, but that happens sometimes. I know you are looking forward to your weekend and I hope it goes great! We will be praying for you guys and everyone involved in the fundraiser. That is a great article and it just makes you realize the risks in the drugs they are taking. Have fun this weekend! Hang in there Mama Tiger! Prayers will be answered!

  2. good evening Erika,
    By now you are in hillsboro at the concert. Wish I could be there to meet you, but we are leaving tomorrow for a week of camping, and my wife has a mile long honey-do list for me. It will be great, but at the same time I will be praying for Gary so he can enjoy his shortened trip. I talked with Robert a little this week and he was looking forward to some time off with the family. I know that must be hard knowng you need to be back to the doctors Monday, and being patient trying to understand it all. May Gods grace shine brighter than the sun in your life trhis weekend. Love in Christ, Lynn I will be looking forward to your online store.......
