Monday, February 22, 2010


We are being admitted to the hospital.  We will be here for three days.  They are restarting his big Chemo Drug, Cytoxan.  I will update more when I can.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that stinks! Is Gary's DM active again? Mine is flaring too and they have had to up my meds as well! I am sorry to hear that they have to restart his Big Chemo Drug again! I will keep him and you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! You are such a strong amazing mother! Hang in there!

    Oh and last Friday Kelly's Korner had a Show US Your Ministry and I linked up to raise awareness of DM and JM! I linked e-mails, fundraisers, sites, talked about the disease etc. I used the video you had on your blog with Gary in it! I hope you didn't mind....

    I try as much as I can to raise awareness as well! I am in the process of a new blog look which is going to be ALOT focused on DM and JM....

    Hang in There
    Summer :0)
