Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Review

I was attempting to think back to the year.  I have said it before and I will say it again.  I am so glad to have my blog.  Helps with ones memory.  So year two of JDM.  

We had limps and bumps.  
We had x-rays and scopes. 
We had crossing toes and I don't knows.
We had labs that went up and labs galore.
We saw a dentist and giggled with gas.
We fought flares and getting up stairs.
We lowered meds and upped them again.
We had Make A Wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are ending 2011 with lots of pokes and I will spare you with thats no joke?
Think its time I end this.........stopping.

All in all I think Gary is starting to respond to the Rituxan again nicely.  The heliotrope on one eye is fading.  The other heliotrope rash on his other eye is taking its time but hopefully by his next infusion it will be even that much better.  I think Gary's JDM doesn't want to be messed with for awhile.  I think we need to keep him in a inactive disease state for awhile.  Every time we think we got it.  His disease is just not that way.  The next time we try to lower anything, I will have to take into account just how long its been and what happened last time.  

My pediatrician said something to me at the beginning of this.  It has stuck with me to this day.  At the time I didn't believe him or didn't want too.  "I don't think we have seen the worst of this".   I pray he still doesn't think that. 

Here are some of my favorite and not favorite pictures from 2011:

After the last Rituxan infusion.  Poster for miserable.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear this medice is working. Continuing to pray and pray and pray! Seeking...remission!

    Blessings and Happy New Year!
