Monday, October 26, 2009


Our little buddy is doing great! His energy continues to be endless. He is even having the normal throw yourself on the ground and bend into the shape of a backwards C tantrums. The rash on his fingers have quieted down a bit. We have a lab on Friday and our next overnight stay is Nov. 6th. We were in twice last week for blood draws. Gary's new thing is to not cry while getting his methotraxate shot or having a finger poke done. I am not sure how I feel about that because he seems to let it all out the rest of day. Gary hasn't been sleeping very well but we are working on getting him to sleep in his own bed. We will start tonight.

Gary and his sister have been practicing trick or treating. We are blessed blessed blessed to live next door to my sister. My chubby little Spider Man waddles on over and rings there door bell. Elexis put her robe on and a mask. They did it twice. The next thing we knew there was a doctor and a giant Winnie the Pooh on our porch trick or treating us. LOL It was so funny. Gary has the best Uncle and cousin. We spent the entire day getting ready for Halloween Party on Friday for the kids. The family worked together, it was fun.

McGuire finally lost his tooth! He had this tooth that pointed at you when he smiled. It finally came out. The tooth fairy did not come. Sometimes it takes up to three business days. Hello? Everyone knows that. I will need to tell Gary that before he starts losing teeth. 3 business days. Too bad their pillows don't take VISA.

Swine Flu
I was reading on komo that Obama declared the swine flu as a national emergency. Hundreds of people commented how the government is over reacting. I just thought to myself how our prespective would change if they were immune suppressed and had underlying health conditions. You know, like most of the 5,000 victums this flu has claimed. Yes, I know just as many die from the regular flu but how is that suppose to make me feel any better. So add the Swine Flu fact in with Regular Flu, and it just that much more of a risk.

Sorry about this but.....
Small Town Politics
I have never concerned myself too much with the in's and out's of politics. Since I have a family member running for a city council position, it has caused me to pay attention. Now I know why I never did before. It's ugly and it's sad. The length people go to. The things they make up in there heads. I have heard "why don't people get involved". Now I know. It is frustrating to see the mud slinging going on thru emails. It is frustrating to hear people accussing each other of things that are not true. It is frustrating having a major developer corporation come in here and put our town on puppet strings. The town doesn't take the time to really stop and look. Canidates running that have any involvement with the developer, at any level, from socially to business ties, should be labeled as a conflict of interest. Such nasty nasty campaigns have been ran. I experienced it myself. I had a button on at the Labor Day parade and a certain canidate looked at me and my children, rolled her eyes, and passing my kids up for candy all because of a button. I don't care how quick you are, what color your hair is, I simply don't want that ability of disregard of fellow citizens representing my town. It continued has we went onto Labor Days. A few woman rolling there eyes at me. Another came up and said we should vote for........anyway. I could write a book and go on and on. Like a forum I went to where one canidates closing statement was that of commending his opponet. He told everyone that either way, even if he wins or his opponet wins, they both have a lot to offer. His opponet was next to deliver his closing statement. It was shocking. He completely (with no tact) put him under the bus right after he had just finished praising him. He accused the other guy of not really wanting to be there and he questioned his reasons for running. Ok since your choosing to do it that way lets point out your involvement on business level that you have with the developer that is moving in here to bull doze our town? or How about your inability to listen to other people. You just like to hear yourself talk.

The easy thing to do. Don't concern myself. I think any and all should have to have degree in ethics, socially, religiously, in every concern of the word. I give it to God. May God's will be done.


  1. I am sooo glad little Gary is doing well! I can't wait to see a pic of him dressed as Spiderman! You have to post it! You are soooo funny! I LOL over the toothfairy! That is soooo funny, I have to remember that, 3 Business days, Ha! and she should totally take VISA! That cheered me up! I have been having a rough couple weeks with this stinkin disease, my bloodwork has been horrible,and I am now getting lung tests to make sure it isn't there. Fingers crossed, prayers please! Also I am in extensive PT 3 times a week. Yucko!
    I agree with you on the Swine Flu Epedimic! All of us who have Auto-Immune have to be that much more careful! It's crazy!
    I will keep praying for you and your family
    I am glad I have met you through this blogging world
    Summer :0)

  2. Erika,
    Thanks soooo much for your super sweet comment yesterday! I've had a rough week and it really made my day to read it! Thanks for cheering me on to squeal as loud as I want over the whole injection thing! The stomach would probably hurt the worse but thanks to my c-section numbness and extra weight from steroids, I'm all good there! Doesn't hurt! Ha! Ha!
    Have you guys printed DM shirts yet???? I would love to purchase one when ya do! Let me know!
    Summer :0)
