I would like to temporarily apologize to Orencia. We ended up doubling the dose. One last ditch. I like what I saw. I like what I see. Remission worthly someday, maybe. I don't know though.
We have some calcium deposits that are on the move. That means they are coming to the surface, red puffy, but not bothering. They look no good but this aint a beauty contest.
This was month number two of double dosing Orencia. We were set to run Rituxan last week but for the first time in four years, I had to call and cancel. We might run it next month. I feel guilty because it was I just couldn't handle it right now. I'm not ready to share why but I will. Everything is for reason however. I was hesitant to run Rituxan again because it is so difficult to tell what is working and what is not working. Labs are good. Strength is fine. Calcium, no new ones but bigger. Capillaries not bad just red fingers.
He is an amazing kid. He is so angry but whatever. What a special boy. He says the greatest things!
Thank you to my family for all your help with everything. My baby sister is such a great mother to my kids. They really love her and my brother-in-law. She is almost too good. Makes me wonder if other plans have been set in motion. I know in my heart that if something like that is true, like I can't be here, she will be so perfect.