Ode to being a Mother
So in the middle of my intense conversation about how we are going to help my son, the hospital calls. I had warned her they might because they had called early and left a message they wanted to talk to me. Well the clinic does not ring direct. You call leave a message. They return your call. Sure enough they did. Ms. R was very understanding. Gary's lab work from Friday came in with some low numbers. His white cell count is lower than they expect along with another level. This is from his new medicine cell cept. I was told not to increase the dose as planned. We go back in on Friday for another lab. Depending on his levels they may add another medicaton. The nurse urged and warned me to stay away from sick people. With this particular level down he is more susceptable to bacteria infections. So the simple sniffles could spin off, you get the picture. All mighty God's protection be with us! Has so far : ) Praises! I did ask the nurse if these certain levels can make you pale. He gets that irrey white when he takes a nap. Enough to make me panic and have to call a relative for reassurance. She said no, that is hemocrit looked fine. He did a have a few unusal fits where he got very agitated for no reason, well a two year old doesn't need reason but none the less he was very angry crying, and very pale. Just keeping an eye on him closely. Personally I think they have failed to realize that maybe the cytoxan is still hanging out in his system. Or they do realize that but need to medicate further until his body stabilizes and get use to his new immune suppressor. Good times. We'll see on Friday. So, off the phone with the hospital and back to conference I went.
We are gearing up for Thanksgiving. I have a lot of cooking and preparing to do in the next couple days. I have Grandma coming to stay with us so I need to go around prying the gumdrops off the cushions and get this place in tip top shape.
In February there is a benefit marathon/convention for the Cure JM foundation. I am really considering trying to go. We are blessed with a way to get there. I just need to consider all the other expenses as well. I really would like the whole Bradford family to come. It is not just Gary that has been through it, we all have. Although he gets A LOT more credit then all of us put together for all the needle jabs, ng tube insertions, icky tasting medicines, the pain, sleepless nights, and just being brave. The marathon......hmmmm I think I might. Twenty-six miles is a lot but so is not being able to walk and dealing with Dermatomyositis the rest of your life. Even in remission, not knowing if it will come back. Then when or if it does, starting all over again. So am I proclaiming my intentions of this said marathon??, almost. Need a couple more days. I can run two miles no problemo, well sweaty and really talking to myself to keep going but I most certainly am capable. Besides that it reduces the size of your hinney and it so good for you! And just trying out my running legs, my hubby commented mine might be smaller. LOL sorry TMI So as long as I don't go into cardiac distress LOL.
We keep close tabs on our celebrity friend Mason. Mason we had the honor of meeting this summer at the concert. Whenever we visit his blog my kids rush over to the screen and shout Mason! The Smedley's link is on the right hand side of the page >>>>>> if you want to pop in. Oh yes, and his Dad, Damon. He is responsible for my attempt at running a marathon.
Ye of little faith, I hear your doubts!